I really need to figure out how to blog more than once a year...
I think writing an article for the TODAY Show Parenting Team sparked my enthusiasm in writing again. Realizing, it's been practically a year since my last blog post where I shared it was a new season and "on with the new"...and guess what...
It's a new season in our party of six! Levi has just graduated High School! Talk about an adjustment to the family dynamics! How did I get to have 2 adult children?? I'm supposed to be preparing for MY high school graduation! It seems like it anyways...
We are upon some BiG changes in the coming months. With Levi graduating, Lucas finishing up an internship at Georgia Pacific, and the sale of our home, we are anticipating a move to a bigger house with a second bathroom! Yay for not waiting in line for the shower!
Hopefully I don't wait a year to write about that!
Since the last post, several things have been celebrated in our party of six.
Summer of '15 was fast and fun.
Alton and Donna with their 5 children
Mark, Karin, Chad, Stephen & Suzanne
We had a celebration for Mark, Stephen's brother, who turned 50 in July. That was a nice reunion of all the siblings. It's been a long time since they were all together.
As Levi entered his Senior year, Chloe started High school, & Clay began middle school
Both Chloe and Clay became athletes, enjoying several sports throughout the year. Chloe started Freshman Volleyball, as I became a mother to a Football player. Levi excelled *and Lettered in Speech and Debate. His team also went to districts! Levi continued working for Les Schwab, so he and his girlfriend Crystal could afford to attend his Senior Prom! (I'm still coming to grips with that)
Clay began wrestling for Lone Star Middle school in the late fall and Chloe took the winter off to prepare for Softball with Nampa High. (Meaning she went to "practice/workouts" all winter long.) She continued playing her violin until her last performance in May of this year. She has no desire to continue being transported to another school to stay in Orchestra class.

With a trip to OR for Christmas, we got to see and visit with family, and catch up with Lucas who relocated to Oregon State just after I posted the last blog...He had been staying with Grampa and Grandma until winter term, in which he started working for Georgia Pacific on the OR Coast. We moved him into his first apartment in December, and he will be there through the summer! By then, he'll get to come "home" to help us move and then start back up at OSU in the fall. This kid. I can't keep up! So proud of his accomplishments through the last year. He has been training for and will be running his first marathon next weekend, and we get to go cheer him on!
Our family Christmas dinner at Grampa and Grandma's
This winter, Chloe finished Driver's Ed and got her learner's permit! She LOVES driving, and is probably the best of the kids so far that we've taught to drive.
She takes a LOT of pleasure in driving me around!
I started a part-time job at a substitute for our school district. It is so rewarding and challenges me every week! I love teaching, as I always have (even since I was 8 years old) and I don't have to plan a thing! I just get to show up, make kids smile and have fun!
I'm continuing to lead a pre-school group at Bible Study Fellowship as well. I'm so grateful to get to bring my great-nephew with me each week. He loves his "class" and his "teachers" and I catch him singing hymns in the backseat.
As Chloe rounded the bases and slid into home plate, their team had more wins this year than the coaches have had in the last 5 years! Go Dawgs! She has found a sport she really, really, really likes!
Clay ran track and field with his classmates at Lone Star, and blew me away with his determination and persistence in improving his time every meet! It is STILL beyond me why someone likes to Run...for fun! No thank you!
Steve still loves the store he's at, as he celebrates his 5th summer there this year! I can't believe it's been that long, and it seems like it's been a lifetime. Time is a crazy thing...I'm just glad God is in control.
So, now with that year in a quick re-cap, you know how to better pray for us!
We're extremely thankful for all that God is doing and the blessings we receive from him everyday!